The Wimmera PCP Population Health and Wellbeing Profile is a set of health and wellbeing indicators for the population of the Wimmera PCP catchment area. The most recent data available, at the time of writing, have been sourced for each indicator and a basic description of this data together with any relevant data notes has been added to each table. The profile does not include analysis of data nor explanation or consideration of why figures are higher or lower than averages.
Nancy Vaughan
Summary of key findings
The populations of Hindmarsh, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack were characterised by declining population growth, a very high proportion of population aged 40 years and over, and a very low proportion of Indigenous population or of persons born in other countries. The key characteristics of the Horsham RC population were very similar to regional Victoria averages.
Socio-economic status
Review of data covering income levels, centrelink payment recipients, education participation, labour force participation and unemployment rates, indicate that socioeconomic disadvantage is largely focused in Hindmarsh and Yarriambiack and these locations generally perform poorly against regional Victoria averages. Education participation and qualifications were notably lower for males than females.
Chronic disease risk factors
Compared to regional Victoria and Victoria averages, the PCP catchment population was generally more likely to eat the recommended amount of vegetables each day and was more physically active overall.
Across the Wimmera PCP catchment, risk factors tend to be largely concentrated in the Hindmarsh and Yarriambiack populations.
High rates of smoking, and low rates of: physical activity, obesity, heatlh screening or biomedical checks, adequate sleep, time for family and friends and work-life balance are all key risk factors in the Hindmarsh population.
Low levels of fruit consumption and of work-life balance; and high levels of sugarsweeteend soft drink consumption as well as obesity are key risk factors in the Yarriambiack population.
Both Horsham RC and West Wimmera also had a very high proportion of overweight and obese population, particularly females.
Particularly low rates were reported for pap smear tests for Hindmarsh and Yarriambiack residents, mammograms for Hindmarsh residents, cholesterol checks for Hindmarsh and West Wimmera residents, and blood glucose checks for West Wimmera residents.
Overall health status
The data suggest that, across the Wimmera PCP catchment, overall health status is poorer than the regional Victoria and Victoria average and this is particularly focused on the male population of the region and on the LGAs of Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack and West Wimmera. Rates of premature and avoidable deaths in Hindmarsh, and in the male population in general, are particularly high.